My question to Government Minister on the need for international criminal courts to be empowered to ensure any failure to comply with international law in Israel and Gaza is prosecuted.

I’m unconvinced by the answer to say the least.

Toby Perkins: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. There are many of us who absolutely recognise Israel’s right to defend itself, who recognise that Hamas and their approach is a barrier to a lasting peace solution, who also absolutely despair that the Government and the Ministers calls for restraint on behalf of the Israeli Government is being so ignored. So, does he agree with me that the international community needs to make it absolutely clear to every combatant in this conflict that the International Criminal Court are watching, that people will be held to account for their conduct and that him simply saying ‘we call for humanitarian law to be followed’ is not enough. People will be held to account for the conduct of this war.


Minister:  He is stating the fact of the matter. International Humanitarian Law, which we expect all sides to follow is there to be upheld.

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